Monday, April 21, 2008

green laundry

My sweet little princess...okay so that MAY be a bit of a suffering with a recurrent bout of eczema. No matter what i cut from her diet or add with minerals or herbs the poor little monkey just keeps scratching. I have always washed the girls clothes seperatley from their big brothers', fathers's and mine and even used the special "baby brands," though I recently switched to the arm and hammer natural detergent for the entire family.

This week I decided to test run some new brands and would love to share them with you...of course they are all green, contain no phosphates and I always go for unscented.

I am currently waiting for my sample of these cute little "dropps" laundry detergent pellets but I really like the info I read on their website regarding their philosophy:

"Healthier for the planet:

Their footprint: Because dropps eliminates all water from our detergent pacs — the same water that’s already in your washer — our formula saves millions of gallons a year.

Green and friendly: dropps keeps your clothes as clean as your conscience. Letting fish breathe happily, aquatic plants bloom and high-efficiency washers do their thing. How very low-impact."

These are just 2 of the statements that caught my attention on the dropps website

Another brand that I currently use for my fabric softerner (as well as countless other household cleaners) and love, love, love is the method line of products. Along with their commitment to keeping our planet healthy their mission statement really wowed can read it at "method humanifesto"

There are SO many more brands out there and thankfully more of the "mainstream" clorox, are coming out with their own now also, however my favorite brand so far is the Shaklee line.

You may have seen the Oprah show which touted the family and earth friendliness of this product, and having been a user for awhile now I can totally agree, there is no chemically clean smell what so ever, things are clean and I am over the moon with how the products are all condensed!!! With 4 kids and a husband you can imagine I have very little room to store cleaning products, but REALLY need to keep a stock of them. Shaklee has it covered, for instance one bottle of their "Basic H2TM Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate" is used to fill a bottle for windows and mirrors, a degreaser bottle and even an all purpose cleaner. Being the skeptic that I am I knew the mirror/ window cleaner would be the greatest test...well I have to tell you after cleaning every window and mirror in my home with no troublesome streaks I am SOLD!!! I even LOVE it for my stainless steel appliances!!!

This week I also found a discussion on Posh Mama from Posh Mama Kimberly offering a free membership so check her out!!!

Hope you all have a FABULOUS green week and feel free to send me some tips...I am ALWAYS on the lookout!!!

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