Monday, February 25, 2008

diaper duty update

NEVER, EVER once in my life did i imagine i would be so excited about something so YUCKY as cloth diapers!!! but i have to tell you, i did SO much research about switching from disposables to cloth diapers, not only do you have to make that switch but you really have to know what TYPE of clothies you are going with, and i am sorry but this is a GIANT commitment!!! like i said i did SO much research on diapers then i searched for prices...i literally spent 8 hours one day making a decision, but i finally did it!!!

we ended up spending around $250.00 for 12 diaper cover (6 in each size...oh yes we have 2 in diapers!!!) 24 microfiber inserts, 2 (to try out) hemp inserts and the plastic liners came with the diapers. alot to drop at once but the way we go through diapers, that is a 4 month supply of disposables.

for the covers we went with the awesome, hybrid, gDiapers...they come with plastic liners that snap in and out and have inserts you buy that are flusable/disposable/or even COMPOSTABLE!!! the inserts are supposed to degrade anywhere from 50 to 150 DAYS...ALOT less time than the 500 YEARS the average disposable takes...but i wanted to use cloth inserts so we opted for some microfiber ones. i figure we can use the disposable liners at night because the girls usually mess their diapers first thing in the morning and use the washable ones during the day, so far it is going quite swimmingly, we still have messes at various times throughout the day but they are very managable.

for the cloth microfiber liners i went to a specialized diaper boutique wildflower diapers, they have so many choices it will make your head hurt, but the owner is so great so acutally has a ton of info posted right on her site to help new clothies figure out what they are doing. we also bought some hemp ones, i am very impressed with the fact that hemp does not require pesticides, is more absorbent than cotton, is not bleached, and tends to last longer than cotton so i am interested to see how it actually performs. i will let you know.
i did check out the aio (all in one) diapers and though they seem so much more convienent than covers, liners and inserts, i really wonder how clean that diaper is truly getting, it holds messes in and pulls them away from the baby but how does it know it's in the washer and supposed to release the messes?? (just a thought)

anyway...thats whats new on the cloth diaper front...even daddy is on board so things are quite well.

oh, my big tip is buy all of the recommended diapers when you first start using them, we tried cloth with our older daughter and because i had only bought 2 covers and a pack of the pre-folds we could not keep up with the demand and ended up going back to disposables, it is so much easier if you have plenty of clean liners and covers at the ready for you.

1 comment:

renee - 21st Century Parenting said...

wow... great review! and i love your site!

i felt the same way. we are generally pretty aligned with all things attachment parenting. BUT, i had NO interest at ALL in cloth diapering... but now we've considered making the switch. lol!

DD has been doing very well w/EC aka infant potty training! so we'll have a TINY amount of wet in the disposable. Seems like such a waste to throw something away for a tiny amount of pee.