Sunday, February 24, 2008

diaper duty

One of my main green journeys is to find earth and baby friendly diapers. I have been on the hunt since my son, Quentin, was born almost 10 years ago. I know cloth is "supposed" to be the best, but honestly, I do not have the time, or patience for that matter, to clean up the messes and deal with washing poopie diapers. I tried with Quentin then when I had Veronica almost four years ago I tried again because it seemed no matter what I did she went from perfect to bleeding in one diaper change, her skin is so extremely sensitive even the cloth diapers irritated her. It wasn’t the cloth or the cotton, but the way both diapers are processed.
Through the magic that is the internet I found unbleached, organic diapers of all sorts. Cloth diapers are great if you have the patience, as I said I do not , but I am still being earth friendly by using a brand called seventh generation, the company’s mission is great, they consider how everything they manufacture will affect the next seven generations and they recognize that we all use some disposable products, but their main goal is to manufacture disposables that are used in the manner that is safest for consumers and the environment.
“Most diapers and wipes are made with absorbent materials that have been whitened with chlorine. But these whiter materials come with unpleasant consequences. Bleaching withchlorinecreates dangerous toxins such as dioxin, furans and other organochlorines. Once loose in the environment, these chemicals accumulate in both people and animals. Hundreds of studies have shown a direct link between dioxin exposure and cancer, birth defects and environmental and reproductive disorders.” seventh
There are many, many green brands, check some out at :
NATURE BABYCARE - Eco-Friendly Baby Diapers
And just one of the many cloth options available are:
And now we are testing out gDiapers, from the outset these diapers look fabulous!!! They have a cloth cover to keep messes in, a snap in cloth liner that is unbleached and a flushable, or get this, COMPOSTABLE liner. I can not wait to see how this goes, but with 2 still in diapers and one in pull ups at night I need something easier on me and safer for them and the environment. I will keep ya posted!
Have a FABULOUS week…Oh and don’t forget the wipes, nearly all organic brands have their own line of organic wipes as well
With 18-23 billion diapers heading for landfill each year, it makes diapers the 3rd largest single consumer item in our waste system – following newspapers and beverage containers¹. Not a small accomplishment for a product used by about 5% of the population. ¹ US EPA Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States, 2003

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